(Deutsch) 15 Jahre IWW in Österreich und NEUE Solid! Flugschrift

on 30. June 2024 Allgemein with 0 comments

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18th of March – International day of political prisoners!

on 21. March 2024 Allgemein with 0 comments

A contribution of the IWW Innsbruck Repression against union work? Imprisonment of trade unionists? We know that in Austria, if at all, as historical anecdotes. Everything seems peacefully structured. There […]

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(Deutsch) Heraus zum 8. März!

on 8. March 2024 Allgemein with 0 comments

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The Solidarische Bike Kitchen is returning to Salzburg!

on 10. September 2023 Allgemein with 0 comments

Annoying squeaks, the wheels are out-of-true, and the breaks are not as reliable as they used to be. Everyone who cycles regularly is sooner or later confronted with wear and […]

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(Deutsch) Löhne Rauf – Arbeitszeit Runter!

on 15. June 2023 Allgemein with 0 comments

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(Deutsch) Wien: Kundgebung für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen beim FSW

on 3. June 2023 Allgemein with 0 comments

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